Public authorities

Found 48 public authorities in the category ‘General Secreteriats’

Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Π.Δ.Κ.Π. Supervision of planning and operational programs department and the special rural development programme management service.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Π.Π. Design, plan, organize and coordinate actions regarding risk assessment, prevention, preparedness, information and response to natural, technological o...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Σ.Π. Support for ministerial work, responsible for the smooth operation of supervised organizations in the field of modern culture.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Ο.Π.Ι.Φ. Creating standards and developing gender equality policies, addressing multiple discrimination and combating violence against women.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ψ.Δ.Α.Δ. The planning and coordination of policies related to the digital transformation of the country as well as the simplification and digitization of all th...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Α.Ε. The formulation of the government policy for emigration and repatriation, the strengthening of the ties of the Greeks abroad with Greece and the preser...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Β. Responsible for the execution and administrative implementation of the industrial policy as determined by the Government and its institutions.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Π.Σ.Δ.Δ. The design, development, productive operation and utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the services of the Ministry of Di...
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Α.Δ. Responsible for the management and operation of justice, responsible for matters of judicial officials and legal human rights issues.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Φ.Π.Υ. Natural environment and biodiversity management, protection of atmosphere, forest and water quality.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Π.Φ.Υ. Management and operation of primary health units of the public and private sector, supervision of the operation of EOPYY.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Π.Δ.Ε.Ε.Α. Concern, organization and operation of primary and secondary education and the implementation of special education and education programs.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ι.Ε.Σ.Δ.Ι.Τ. The formulation of a national investment policy strategy, the planning, the licensing and the organization of the Strategic Investments.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Υ.Π.Ε. Supervision of public health and quality of life as well as health tourism services.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Θ. Protection of the freedom of religious conscience and religious worship, supervision of religious education system and the ministers of the known relig...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Α.Τ. Supervision of Directorates-General for Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Χ.Σ.Α.Π. Urban planning, the provision of support to all construction services in the country and the protection of the architectural heritage.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Υ.Α.Α. Reception, identification and provision of temporary accommodation to vulnerable third-country nationals who apply for international protection in Gree...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Τ.Π.Α. Support of the Ministry of Tourism in the preparation of programs to strengthen the competitiveness of the tourism product, investments, promotion of t...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε.Ε.Κ.Δ.Β.Μ. The design and supervision of initial and continuing vocational training as well as general adult education.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Σ.Δ.Α. Wastewater treatment planning and control, management, licensing and waste statistics.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ι. Supervision of general and central management of Citizenship.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε.Π.Κ. Policy-making, strategic planning, goal setting and inspection of market segments, consumer and public procurement markets in order to safeguard the p...
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Π. Recording, study and promotion of the cultural activity of the territory, the archeological museums, sites and collections.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ο.Π. Ensuring country’s financial stabilisation, controlling Greek financial system and safeguarding Greek interests in European and internati...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Π. Its main responsibilities include the preparation, monitoring and execution of the State Budget, the preparation of the Balance Sheet and Report as wel...
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Υ.Υ. Management and operation of health services and the protection of the rights of health service recipients.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Ε. The organization and quality assurance of Higher Education, the concern for student issues and the supervision of teaching staff issues.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Υ. Responsible for the recovery of the effects of natural disasters and design port, building and transport infrastructure.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε.Ο. Supervision of the General Directorate of Decentralization and Local Government, the General Directorate of Finance of the Local Government and the Gen...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε. Establishment of individual and collective arrangements for employment contracts, care for health and safety conditions in the workplace.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Λ.Λ.Π.Ν.Ε. Responsible for the formulation and implementation of an integrated policy and strategy for administration, operation, development and exploitation of...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Δ.Δ.Τ. Responsible for human resources issues of the Public Sector and stuff of the Local Government and Decentralization.
3 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Ε.Ε.Σ.Π.Α. Responsible for the management, accomplishment and administrative implementation of the Corporate Development Framework Agreement (NSRF).
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Τ. Supports the work of the Minister of Civil Protection and the responsibilities transferred to the Secretariat in accordance with the law.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε.Κ. Enhancing investment in research and innovation as a central strategic priority for a new socially, economically and environmentally sustainable develo...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Κ.Α. Focus on main and supplementary insurance, determination of contributions, and provision of old-age pensions.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α. The strategic planning and implementation of the country's sports policy, within the framework of the constitutional obligation of the State for protec...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Φ.Π.Δ.Π. Supervision, coordination and enforcement of government policy from the competent services and the legal entities that administrate, manage, utilize an...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Τ.Τ. The development of quality, reliable telecommunications and postal infrastructures, networks and services, the formulation of a unified cyber security...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Ν.Π. The implementation of the sustainable development of the Aegean islands and the exploitation and dissemination of the Aegean cultural heritage.
1 request.
Also called Γ.Γ.ΥΠ.ΕΘ.Α. Coordination of the directorates-general and general staffs of the three fields of armed forces.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Μ. Responsible for strategic planning of transport and road safety, for the control of vehicles and facilities as well as for the issuance of driving lice...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Μ.Π.Υ.Α. The General Secretariat participates in the planning and implementation of national and European policies for migration, oversees international protect...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Δ.Ο.Σ.Ε. Responsible for making Greek enterprises more outward-looking, improve their international competitiveness, exploit the comparative advantages of the...
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Ε.Ο.Π.Υ. The management of hydrocarbons, electricity, renewable energy sources and alternative fuels.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Κ.Α.Κ.Φ. Strengthening social cohesion, planning and coordinating poverty alleviation programs.
0 requests.
Also called Γ.Γ.Α.Π. The direction of the work of the effective organization and operation of the detention facilities.
0 requests.

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General Secretariats

  • General Secreteriats



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